About Me

My photo
KK, Sabah, Malaysia
想要了解我很不容易哦! 我:我很好心的人,很善良,很爱弹钢琴,很相称谓钢琴老师,喜欢:听歌,弹琴,上网,看电视,去游玩,和朋友跑街。。。

Monday, August 31, 2009

photoshots of me... my dad took for me...

I dont wannn to post all... cause i know i dont look nice ><
so ugly!!! hmmmm... my dad's Nikon D300... nice ma?

Happy Merdeka!!!!

Happy birthday to MALAYSIA!
Happy MERDEKA day!!!!
Happy ANNIVESARY to Malaysia!!!!
everybody celebrate it yet??? go go go go

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nothing to do while waiting for our turns! Model photoshot!

While waiting for our turn, i took some photo shot of Faith, Aaron, Vincent!
Aaron Ho....
Vincent Liew...

That's all! nice ma????

Today, Volleyball match! day out, Hao, Jack, Gab

Me& Gab in centre
Hao, Jullian, Me... Hao, try this cloth nice ma? guess how much???
Cool ma??? Jack oso try it
Gab, we are having Big Apple Doughnut! bought 12 pieces, this was our second lunch! we had Chicken rice before this! hahahah,.... so fei orh!
This is Hao, after buying his New shirt! still cant guess? it was RM199.90, thn used my dicount card, got so much DISCOUNT! turn out it was RM49.90!!!
my gosh! such a big diffrence!
This is Julian! eating his dougnut!
And wont forget the innocent Jack! hehehhe he dint know though....
Hao, giving me a good pose for a pic! ahahah my model!
See my eye! been SMASH by volleyball! so pain! couldn't open my eyes!
Me&Gab&Hao,,, gone crazy le! this is be4 my eye got hit!Group photo!!!! hehe^^
First time take photo wif Jack alone! hahahah nice! Refree! Cikgu IvyMe&Coussy, Codi!

Me&Elaine! hair so messy man! >.<

29/8 Beaufort, River Cruise

It was a bright and sunny day to go picnic, and cruise
Had 2 hour ride in the bus, me and Reneea
Finally, reach Beaufort!!!! hahahah
Funny!!!! George was our tour guide! what a coincident!
Having tea, be4 the cruise
Some photo shots! nice?
Flower.... Patrick!!!!
River cruise time!!!!
The professional photographer.... They all using CANON!

Daniel,Beverly,Paul,Uncle chin,Ralf

It's Daniel!!!!
I wont post alot! wanna see more pic go to my FACEBOOK, go to my profile, or Yap fook chin, Paul Koh, Daniel, Isabell Yap...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Going on Picnic!

Morning. just woke up not long...
waiting for my parents to come back,
they went to Jogging at Tun fuad
so i think they will be coming back soon =)
Well, today is day off for sejarah class happy! =)
relax time, its time for a picnic....
going later at 12pm
will uploads photo when i came back!
Sarah! do well in ur performance okayy???
see ya on sunday sarah!

So tired, but had funn in volleyball

Today, PE!...
Played volleyball again!
hahah, this time is better to ply!
funn wif the guys,....
very funny lar....
thn, today the time very full and tight!
after PE, got mentoring, thn after that got Sejarah class for 2 hours!
thn after that got PT need to do,
thn help out the MDM's to deal with the old paces...
thn finish skul!
so fast rite?
went for piano class again!
no free time at all!
atlease its almost end of the term....
atlease tommorow got relax time!
going on a family picnic to some resort... dono whr,
will check it out 2mr^^
dont worry will take pic^^
i know its going to be a big group....
so might as well just enjoy....
hahahah cant wait for 2mr....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sooooo tireedddd!!!

Was suppose to play volley ball today!
turn out that roy put plane!
hahahha jk....
I mostly finish my PT for end of this term,
today went out wif Mdm lily for yam cha!
hehehe so good orhhh
Me, Kaang, Kat, Samson, Josh G.
5 of us, 4 sit back Josh sit front
went to the indian shop to eat Roti something
ive forgotten
thn we sat thr chit chat.... hehehhe....
thats my day lurrrr,
haizzz so tireddd
but on the way back from yam cha, something very big happen
Mdm lily's car ran out of petrol!!!
omg u noe!
we were scared if it stop on the road,
but thank god that we reach skul liao thn only
the petrol went off man!
so scarryyy
never ever try that when ur having not much petroll
go get it soon!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dinner, at cousin's house!

Just came back from dinner,
was so much funn...
so much food!
fat lur me!
so many cake tiam!!!
one of my cousin'd friend,
he played VIVA LA VIDA on the grand piano!
i was like what!!!!
i wantttt to learn that song that so badly!
its so nice!!!!!
Now trying to learn!
have 4 flats!
mannn need time!....
hmm going to learn now!
chatting wif Tabby^^
so miss her so much!
thats my post for 2day!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Yesterday's day out

Yesterday, after eca and my sejarah class
we 5 went out to watch a movie,
watch Alien in the Atic
its nice and very funny....
we laugh so much!
after the movie, walter went home...
so me,mich,elissa,maddy walked to centre point,
to find some cloths....
tried some =)
thn maddy went home =(
only left us three,
so we went to Starbucks!
have a drink, and a cake
sat down chit-chat,
thn after a while went to tried more cloths on,
thn we had to walk back to church
cause i promise to go out dinner with Jack Wong
so me elissa and michael and Jack w
went to karamunsing,
but 4 of us eat diffrent places
me and Jack went to KFC,
Elissa and michael went to MC.D
sooo... we spent out time in karamunsing thr chit-chatting
till 6pm thn we went back to the church,
helped to fold the BULLETINS
thn it was movie night so we watched RAT RACE?
i think....
after that went home showerd and thn slept!
so tired....
but had much funnn!!!
Sorry Ben, din go for ur farewell party!
but anyway Ben gonna miss ya! ><

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sleep over!

Maddy is here!
Sleeping over, to go skul for 2mr eca,
and oso going out!
going to watch G.I.JOE
hahahha.... now we are talking checking on FB too...
just watch finish Inkheart! hehehe....
going to take alot of pic!....
hahahhaa.... waiting for Mdm shaw to call us!
arrrhhhh quick!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Went to my New House!!!!

Today after skul, my dad brought me to MY NEW HOUSE!
its at waikiki at Tangjung Aru,
we went is because it was renovating,...
so have to go take a look....
hehehe.... its nice to stay thr, more relax,
thn i saw 3 bed rooms...
i ald choose the room that i wannn!
hahahha... it has a big master bed! hehehe....
and a big wardrob!
that i love it so much! hahahha....
well, i wann to put pic.. but its all my SS pic... :S
I dont wann to show it too much =P
hehehhe..... wont post it larrrr

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Andrew's birthday is today!!!! hahahaha..... We were plying TABOO! hehehe^^ funnn
Walter & Jing! hehehe
It's the girls turn
Now the guys Me& Faith....
The girls turn again, Josetta is good!
Was outside with Mdm Shaw cooking Chicken!
Andrew's cake, made by Faith and sarah,

funny story behind it! hahaha... dont wantt to sayyy

.Me&Sarah, hehehe...

Group Photo, the guys! Now with girls! hehehe.... Andrew look so happy today!

Another group photo, wakakaka... tooo many pics liao....

Dinner time!

Having Lasagnya, Chicken, Vege, Bread...

so yummmmyyyy!!!!!!!


Haiyooo dave!

Me& Sarah, again, she made the bronies.... so nice orh!!!!

After dinner, they all plyed card game, its called gold fish!

Me&Lui&Faith.... too blurr


Us again with Michael

Me&Hao.... hahaha, must cut hair ar! hehehe jkjk

So formal, so smart looking... hehehe nice pic! thats it for 2nite... was so much funnn!